Know Your Machine
It is important to understand how these machines work in order to achieve their optimum cleaning efficiency. Steam cleaning machines function by ejecting high-temperature steam output onto hard surfaces. The output melts most stains, dirt, and other impurities. The molten residue is then easier to remove. Some of the latest models of floor steam cleaners are equipped with vacuums, and they make the whole cleaning process easier and faster. However, it should be known that steam cleaning machines do not output steam at sufficient pressure levels to blast away stubborn grease.
It is also important to learn what the specifications of these machines mean. The most important specification of a steam cleaning machine is its output temperature, as the cleaning efficiency of the machine is directly linked to its temperature. Output temperatures can range up to 386°F.
Use Carefully
Operators must make sure they do not use floor steam cleaners on soft surfaces, such as clothes, linen, plastic, or any other surface that cannot withstand high temperatures. This will damage the fabric and may cause fabrics to melt or shrink and colors to bleed. For these cleaning jobs, consider the cleaning power and safety of Daimer®'s line of environmentally-safe, non-toxic, bio-based Eco-Green® chemicals, with formulations for virtually every application.
Daimer®, a renowned supplier of cleaning products, offers sophisticated floor steam cleaners and green chemicals for a wide range of applications. For more details, visit